Some 600 exhibitors ready to set out stalls, with exhibition space fully booked, say organisers of Macfrut, which takes place in Cesena on May 8-11.
In May the Cesena exhibition centre opens its doors to visitors to Macfrut 2003, exhibition space is completely booked up from 3 months, according to organisers Agricesena.
The event has established itself as the most important date on the Italian fresh produce calendar and will include companies from Chile, Greece, Spain, Turkey, Tunisia, Egypt, Ecuador, China, France, Germany, the US and the Netherlands. Among them Chilean Fresh Fruit Association - Europe will be making its first appearance at the show.
'For decision makers and anyone with responsibilities in the fields of production, importing, exporting, wholesaling and retailing with the Italian fresh produce industry, these four days are the ideal platform for forging new business contacts' said Domenico Scarpellini, president of Agricesena.
The event is also an opportunity to view new technologies in the field of packaging and sorting, as well as quality control.