Crop protection firm Certis have taken over the marketing of imazalil-based potato fungicide Fungazil 100 SL.
Fungazil 100 SL is well established within the UK potato sector as a fungicide for potato seed to guard against storage diseases and subsequent disease infections, according to the company.
Sales manager Peter Shakespeare said: “Applications of Fungazil 100 SL during storage provide a reduction of silver scurf, gangrene, skin spot and Fusarium dry rot.
“Applied primarily for blemish disease, silver scurf, Fungazil 100 SL is approved for use on both ware and seed potatoes.
“Silver scurf is typically associated as a problem in ambient stores due to temperatures not being brought down quickly enough; however it can also develop in cold stores during the curing period making it a potential problem for these crops too.”
Fungazil 100 SL can be used on potatoes stored for the ware or processing market. It can also be used on the seed tubers of all varieties of early and maincrop potatoes grown for seed, ware or processing.
For best results the tubers should be clean and free from soil as diseased areas under soil or dust won’t be exposed to the treatment, Shakespeare added.