CenFRA has introduced new simulation technologies exclusively designed to help galvanise the UK's fresh produce industry.
The European centre of excellence for providing automation and robotic knowledge to the food and beverage manufacturing sector has developed a very visual discrete event simulation system, which will, at very little cost, evaluate and quantify the benefits and implications of integrating automation techniques into new or existing production lines on a virtual scale without creating any disruption to current operations.
The system produces interactive 3D computer models of factory layouts, which include technical details on existing production equipment. CenFRA then uses this and its expert knowledge of available technology to advise on the best automation solutions, whilst simultaneously identifying any unforeseen obstacles and highlighting potential areas for improvement.
In addition, the Yorkshire Forward-supported company can develop bespoke systems and solutions where no suitable commercial option exists and for evaluating how a particular product would work with the equipment - for example the system allows for pressure and friction testing. CenFRA's in-house knowledge and skills combined with a computer aided design system enables the company to offer 3D modelling, component assembly drawing and freeform surfacing to demonstrate how for example, bananas could be peeled using a machine.
The body said: “These latest offerings from CenFRA are invaluable to the fresh produce industry, which up until recently has been extremely reluctant to automate. CenFRA's simulation processes can confirm that the desired impact of any proposed installation can be achieved without physically disrupting current manufacture or any other areas of production.”