As forecast on freshinfo, cauliflower is already beginning to run short on UK markets as cold weather starts to bite.
Prices climbed to 100p a head on some wholesale markets this week (see page 30) and supplies were tight from Cornwall, Lincolnshire and Brittany.
“Both Cornish and Lincolnshire crops were forward this year and we were ahead with harvesting,” said a spokesman from grower and supplier TH Clements. “If it is cold enough it can stop the cauliflower from growing without actually damaging it and then it starts growing when it gets warm again.”
Temperatures fell as low as -4°C in Lincolnshire earlier in the week which is at the lower limit at which cauliflower can survive. Snow is forecast for Lincolnshire within the next three days with the potential to cause more damage if it falls after a frost or protect the crop if it falls beforehand.
“If the temperatures go down far enough, it can wipe the whole crop out,” he warned.