Over the years there have been numerous examples of catchphrases and slogans in the fresh produce aisle, taking “An Apple a Day” one step further.
More recently at Tesco I wonder if the sticker on pre-packs – “Every good meal starts with an onion” – is on the path to becoming immortal. To emphasise the point there are also four recipes.
Linking other products together is by no means new, but it must be the first time that apples and pears – South African Granny Smith and Forelle to be precise – have been associated on a shelf barker with what are defined as Summer Salads at Morrisons. The other recommended ingredients are spinach, walnuts, beetroot, garlic and thyme.
Staying with salads, the range arriving in ‘living’ packs continues to expand, with Sainsbury’s taking the concept of old fashioned mustard and cress a step further with Wasabi leaves at £1.
Exclusivity is also increasingly becoming the name of the game, with Marks & Spencer stocking yet another exclusive twin pack of sweetcorn called Tender Sweet, priced at £1.50. The product reflects how widely supermarkets source in the winter months, as it comes from Senegal.
Another example is Tesco in its Finest range offering British-grown hand-picked Venezia potatoes, chosen for their smooth firm texture and buttery taste, at £2 for 750g. What is also interesting is that the kraft bag pack has a large window so that the contents can be easily seen.
Something which has caught on has been the easy peeler carry-home pack. Asda has now gone as far as branding Spanish Clemenules as Sweetinies, with the message they are great for a TV snack at £2 for 750g. —