Clem Tompsett

Clem Tompsett

“If growers get an Indian autumn the crop could be in surplus,” warned Clem Tompsett, chairman of the Carrot Growers’ Association, during its open day this week.

“There have been very heavy yields this year, the weight has already been astronomical,” he said.

UK production is usually in the region of 600,000 tonnes which moves into the fresh and processed market with a total farm gate value of around £160 million. Both figures should be superseded by some way.

Tompsett said that supermarkets generally gave growers reasonable returns, but the industry continues to consolidate. “There are now far fewer packers,” he said, “and at the same time paperwork has trebled.”

Tompsett paid tribute to the work of the seed companies who were exhibiting some 40 varieties, alongside harvesting machinery manufacturers and a Dutch optical grader which is already causing considerable interest in the UK and winning sales.

Breeders also spoke about the persistence of retailers requiring exclusivity as they sought to widen their range with added value varieties - most believe this choice should be made alongside the category supplier.