Farming Delivers launches campaign launches in London

Farming Delivers launches campaign launches in London

The NFU launched a major PR drive on the River Thames in London on Monday under the banner Farming Delivers. After a high-profile cruise on the Thames NFU office-holders and supporters delivered their 36-page report to MPs at the House of Commons.

The report points to the importance of farming in the UK and identifies key indicators for future progress under six sub-headings: Food, Animal Welfare, the Economy, the Environment, Careers and Cleaner Energy.

The aim of the campaign is “to talk to the British public about what Farming Delivers for Britain”. At the heart is a simple message: be proud to buy British food and remember farming’s immensely powerful role in securing the nation’s future.

NFU president Peter Kendall said: “I don’t want to dwell on the past; today is about celebrating all that farmers and growers deliver to this country and its people every day. But I do want to acknowledge what a tremendous turnaround we have seen, certainly in the past 10 years. The NFU has re-stated and, over time, re-established the case for our productive farming industry. No one now seriously doubts the need for this country to have an efficient, productive, environmentally conscious British farming sector, or the value that it, and we as farmers and growers, can deliver on all fronts.

“As this report details, farming is now expected to deliver and not just on fresh, quality, affordable food but also in providing cleaner, green energy and exciting and dynamic careers for our young people, while not forgetting the other staples of British farming - world-leading standards of animal welfare and environmental enhancement and protection.

“So, what are we campaigning for? I’m not asking for any special treatment. Today is about showcasing what farming delivers for Britain. And we want to continue building on today’s good news story by working with government to replace, what can be, piecemeal and contradictory approaches to food and farming, to ensure there are policies in place that see the UK becoming more self-sufficient; protecting its own food supply and building on today’s economic success story for the future prosperity and wellbeing of this country.

“For consumers I say this: Britain’s self-sufficiency in food has dropped by 15 per cent in the past 20 years but I know everyone can do their bit by enjoying a more seasonal diet and eating more British food when it’s at its best. Buying more local food also helps to make a big difference to the communities closest to us. So, our message is simple: ask for British food. Make it British, make it local and make it happen.”

Speaking about the new campaign, DEFRA farming minister Jim Paice said: “Farming is no longer the quaint old industry which has served Britain well in the past but is doing so much more today. Now farmers are using techniques and technology we couldn’t have dreamed of 50 years ago and in this new rapidly growing global food market they face huge opportunities to deliver real wealth for our economy.

“Government and industry have got to work together to build on the strengths showcased today, to see farming become as efficient and forward-looking as possible so it can meet the huge food production challenge ahead.”

To support the initiative, the NFU has unveiled a new website with a comprehensive file of downloads and promotional material at as well as social media campaigns on Twitter and Facebook.