Capespan's South African stone-fruit team is introducing new packaging this season as well as trials to boost shelf-life and extend the season, according to company newsletter Capespan Courier.
One of the most important developments for the group is a commercial trial on plums. Red plums Hiromi Red and Purple Majesty, which ripen sin early December will be market tested as will yellow plums Golden Kiss and Sun Breeze and unnamed variety PR93-23. And apricot variety Charisma will also benefit from a market trial.
And the company is buoyant about production prospects for stone fruit in general. "Despite the dry winter, the chilling hours have been sufficient," a spokesman was reported in the company's newsletter. "It is now a matter of whether we will get enough rain in the Cape to fill the dams for the summer irrigation."
New carrier bags have been developed specifically for Tesco's stone-fruit programmes and Capespan will also be using a 2.3kg Kappa display carton for plums and a new display carton made of plastic.
The Kappa carton was introduced into the Middle East last season and will make its UK debut in 2003-04 and the Tesco bag will be used in pre-packing at source or in the UK. "And shelf-life trials to extend the season offer great possibilities, specifically for Songold plums," said Capespan's Neil Hugo.