Capespan Grapes new office in Namibia, will lead to a significant increase in export volumes from the country this season.
Grapes will be sourced from Aussenkehr, Marinethal and the Keetmanshop region. The new office is located at Aussenkehr.
Deon Joubert, marketing manager at Capespan Grapes, is impressed with the progress made by the Namibians. He believes the country will make a significant contribution to Capespan's philosophy of year-round supply to its customers. Joubert said: “There has been an effort to improve the quality of the product and we have been able to increase our quality specifications. We have been developing specific programmes for the grapes and have been participating fully in the industry and exporter initiatives.”
Capespan's technical teams have been very active in Namibia. Joubert added: “We will be shipping the earliest new season Prime Seedless and Thompson Seedless in the southern hemisphere from Namibia. The rest of our shipments will consist of Flame Seedless, Sugraone and Crimson Seedless, as well as some volumes of black seeded and red globe.”