South African apple marketers are targeting the workplace in a bid to take the healthy eating message into the office.

Kicking off the campaign with a day of sampling sessions and promotions targeting offices and commuters across London, Cape is aiming to appeal to the 18-35-year-old age group, said commercial director Martin Dunnett

“It’s a sector of the market we’re not addressing. There’s not a problem with older consumers, and kids are being given fruit with things like the School Fruit & Vegetable Scheme.

“There’s a whole middle market of consumers with disposable income that’s not really being targeted.”

The campaign will be encouraging employers to provide healthy snacking alternatives to the vending machine for their staff.

Interviews on radio were also organised throughout the day hammering home the simple message that “if you’re going to snack, eat an apple”.

The campaign is aiming to position Cape Granny Smith as the apple for young professionals, with Cape Golden Delicious aimed at families with young children. Cape teams will also be attending county shows and supporting retailers.

On the supply front, Dunnett said Golden Delicious is likely to run short this season, due to drought conditions in the Cape, while on Granny Smith, the fruit is facing a slight oversupply situation. “There’s an opportunity to push Granny Smith, but I think we’ll clear ok.”
