NFU Scotland will tackle two of the biggest issues facing Scottish agriculture at its upcoming annual council meeting.
With the Scottish Government’s consultation on implementation of new transformative CAP rules expected to be published soon, the meeting will be addressed by representatives of English and Irish farming unions on how the CAP Reform package is progressing in their countries.
Land reform and the tenancy review are also on the agenda at the meeting, which will be held in Perth on 30 October.
NFU Scotland president Nigel Miller, said:“With Scotland's consultations on future CAP implementation and rural development measures looming, it is worth taking time to see how other nations are responding.
“In England, where direct support is already being delivered on an area basis, we can explore how farmers have reacted to that change, but also look at how proposals to shift funds from direct support to rural development measures are being received by farmers there.
'In Ireland, where future support arrangements are likely to include an element of coupling to livestock, we also want to look at the 'Irish Tunnel' model on how we might manage the transition of existing business to the CAP support new regime.'
He added: “Talk of land and tenancy reform has been dominating the headlines, and a planned ministerial-led review of Agricultural Holdings legislation has been announced. The whole industry is keen to see more information on the remit of the review, the appointment of review group members and the timetable involved.'