Christine, Lawrence and Kelly Fowler

Three generations of Fowlers

Three generations of Fowlers

The C&C Group celebrated its 21st anniversary in style last Saturday evening, joined by 250 guests for a cruise down the River Thames.

The wholesale and catering firm, with branches in New Covent Garden, New Spitalfields and Borough markets, has grown, both organically and through frequent acquisitions, into one of the largest market-based firms in the UK.

The guest list included suppliers and colleagues from around the world, many of whom have been involved with C&C since it was taken over by Peter Fowler in 1986.

Damian Fowler, who heads up the group with his father and other directors, said: “As the eldest son, I’ve got particular memories of the early days. Business was definitely a family affair.

“The company now boasts five new businesses under the C&C umbrella and has become a powerful presence in the wholesale industry.

“But C&C remains a family firm in the real sense of the words - made up of other families who have made the market their livelihood.”

See feature next week on freshinfo
