What is happening today on the fresh produce shelves in France is quite refreshing. The industry has the capacity to be part of, if not lead, a global communication campaign on the benefits of fresh produce towards health.
Since November 15, millions of lines of seasonal produce have been labelled with a small sticker, encouraging shoppers to buy and consume more fruit and veg. What is relevant is the signature on this sticker: League against Cancer, the main cancer charity fundraiser in France.
This is the first time such a charity has chosen to highlight a specific kind of food and promote it as beneficial for public health. One might imagine how other industries, especially those that also have good arguments in the same field, might react. Strong lobbying must have been at work before the final decision.
What is also refreshing is that the wholesalers have not been shut off from the process. More than 70 million stickers were made available to companies in the fresh produce sector to put on the fruit. Out of this more than 45m have been ordered by some 55 wholesalers. The figures are eloquent.
And this is not over: a telethon will be held this month and the industry will be a partner, essentially by paying back a small amount generated by the extra purchases. Details are still to be confirmed but the intention is here.
• The French fresh produce industry body Interfel finally found its new president: Gilles Vignaud has gained the presidential seat.
He is the head of the French greengrocers union and a strong militant of the proximity trade (small shops essentially). But this might not last long, Interfel’s board has asked for a new general meeting to be held as soon as possible.
Stay tuned for more action.