Campden BRI is organising a conference and exhibition around innovation in convenience foods and new developments in packaging and micro-waving.

The event is set for July 9-10 and will be held at the Gloucestershire HQ of the food research specialist. Show organiser Holly Hughes said: “This is a great opportunity to take stock of where we are with convenience foods - whether it is the reformulation of products in response to the drives for fat, salt and sugar reduction or innovative ingredients for functional foods. We are also looking at the role of packaging, including sustainable packaging, openability, the latest developments with active and smart options, and design for microwaveable products. This is all underpinned by coverage of the latest developments with ingredients and additive legislation and microbiological safety.”

Hughes added that the conference and exhibition theme are particularly relevant in these times of economic hardship, with consumers looking to spend less, as producers of convenience foods might have to be even more creative and industrious to maintain sales and margins.

She said: “The sector has a deserved reputation for innovation and creativity - and there are still plenty of opportunities through the latest developments in ingredients, packaging and micro-waving.”