The British Weights and Measures Association (BWMA) has produced a free guide to help traders get to grips with the Trading Standards Officers’ updated Metrication Concordat Advice & Enforcement Pack.
BWMA claims the Metrication Concordat is designed to help Trading Standards Officers enforce the use of metric measures instead of pounds and ounces and other British measurements. The association continues to campaign against the pressure to convert to metric scales and pricing.
“While the Metrication Concordat is to be welcomed for clarifying a number of enforcement procedures, BWMA is concerned that some of the information offered is mistaken and even mischievous,” said BWMA director John Gardner.
“We are further concerned that Trading Standards Officers will launch a clamp-down without traders having any knowledge of the Metrication Concordat, or the obligations it imposes on Trading Standards Officers.”
To this end BWMA has devised an eight-page guide for all traders using pounds and ounces explaining the power held by Trading Standards Officers and offering advice on the application of metric law.