The Mushroom Bureau is sponsoring Vegetarian Week (May 24-30) for the third consecutive year in a huge national campaign that is expected to reach 26 million people. Many growers, catering suppliers, pubs restaurants, independent retailers and farmers’markets are behind the Vegetarian Society push, but, said Victoria Llyod-Davies, the multiples are missing out. "Our growers have discussed it with them, but it is up to the Vegetarian Society really and it has been difficult to get the multiples involved," said Lloyd-Davies. "We would like to see the multiples participate and it is an opportunity for them."
Nevertheless, the bureau has set up mushroom features in national consumer magazines, national and regional newspapers and cookery supplements with publication dates in May with a free eight-page recipe booklet on offer. "It is an ideal opportunity for us as May is a key time for mushrooms; the right time to remind consumers that mushrooms are a salad and barbecue vegetable for summer," said Lloyd-Davies.
An elegant model wearing a fine Portobello mushroom on one of three fliers produced by the society is one of the key elements being used to promote mushrooms in the campaign. The flier is going out to cafés, libraries and health food shops in the UK’s 20 largest cities and features the Mushroom Bureau logo and website address
The bureau’s participation has proved highly successful in the past and this year the Vegetarian Society hopes to sign up 15,000-20,000 new vegetarians.