Bucket removes residues

A machine designed to clean household fresh produce of all traces of pesticides, has been unveiled by Leicester-based manufacturer OVO products.

The O3 Fresh machine uses ozone and a natural biocide to neutralise pesticides and bacteria, which a rinse under ordinary tap water or cooking fails to remove, the company claims.

According to a spokeswoman, the O3 Fresh bucket, which releases ozone at a rate of 100mg per hour, is effective over a significantly wider range of micro-organisms than chlorine and leaves absolutely no chemical residue.

She said: “Natural ozone is created by the appliance and when combined with ordinary tap water it neutralises pesticides within seconds. One quick treatment is all you need to provide the reassurance you and your family needs.

“It also kills bacterial spores and fungi formed on fruit and vegetables during the growing and handling stages. Harmful bacteria such as E-coli, Salmonella, Listeria and MRSA can be eliminated in the O3 Fresh leaving food completely safe, without having any effect on taste, smell, colour or texture.”

The company also claims that food rinsed in the machine can last up to three times longer since the ozone kills the bacteria that accelerate food decay.

The kitchen appliance, which weighs around 7kg and retails at £110, was developed with Leeds University through Regional Development Agency, Yorkshire Forward.

O3 Fresh has recently been nominated for a CIC innovation award, which will be judged on January 29 at an annual awards dinner in Bradford.