A new maximum residue level (MRL) for bromopropylate comes into force on October 25.
Bromopropylate - at the heart of controversy last season on Greek grapes - is not approved for use in the UK and that remains the case even after October 25.
But Belgium, Italy and Spain have been granted essential-use derogations authorised until 2007 under the following revised MRLs: citrus fruit 2mg/kg; pome fruit 2mg/kg; table grapes 2mg/kg; tomatoes 1mg/kg and beans with pods 1mg/kg.
“Traders must ensure their produce does not contain traces of bromopropylate above the new MRLs which will be effective later this month,” said FPC chief executive Nigel Jenney.
He advises members to check the Pesticides Safety Directorate website for details and follow procedure laid out in the FPC pesticides code of practice 4th edition.