The broccoli market is enjoying one of the smoothest changeovers from imported to domestic supply operators can remember.
Phil Effingham of Produce World and the Brassica Growers Association said: “The weather in both Spain and the UK has facilitated a nice comfortable changeover. There are no great stocks in Spain at the end of their season and we have just started cutting English last week.”
Small volumes of English product are likely to build to greater availability by next week and will hit a peak the following week. Scottish growers began cutting this week in small volume and will ramp up supplies next week.
Spanish supplies were scarce on the markets with new season English making 700-800p for 4.5kg at New Spitalfields Market and 850p at Hull Market.
Product quality is good although Effingham reported some worries. He said: “There are a few concerns with pollen beetle particularly in the more southerly crops. Their migration appears to be earlier this year, but incidence is sporadic.”