Strong demand and some shortage of supply has made UK broccoli hard to come by. Although the supply situation is easing, Alistair Ewan of the East of Scotland Growers and the Brassica Growers Association says unseasonable conditions are most to blame.
"The cold wet weather over the last couple of weeks has slowed down product availability in Lincolnshire particularly," said Ewan. "It is a bit warmer now and so more product is coming on stream easing the situation. In fact, we have sensible volumes of good quality product coming out of Scotland at the moment."
But it has not just been a case of a shortage of supply, the cold weather has also meant greater demand. "There has been demand for broccoli at time when people are usually eating iceberg and other salad products so perhaps that is a factor more than an actual shortage of product," said Ewan.
Very good press for broccoli in recent weeks concerning its health benefits, may also have helped to lift sales, he concluded.