British Potato 2005 - five events in one

The event, whose major sponsors this year are Branston Potatoes and Tesco, will include a trade exhibition of around 200 exhibitors, covering all aspects of potato production and marketing. The main trade exhibition will be complimented by seminars providing practical advice on key industry matters.

Something completely new to a British Potato event, three sector-specific conventions and workshops, will run in conjunction with the event tackling key issues in the fresh, processing and seed sectors. The BPC have organised many recognised experts to discuss important topics ranging from marketing to production at all three.

For the fresh sector convention titled ‘Future for Fresh’, speakers will provide an in-depth look at re-energising the fresh market to increase volume and examine opportunities within foodservice.

Delegates to the Fresh convention will also hear more about future environment management in light of the current Environmental Stewardship schemes and good agricultural practice will be discussed at length. Topics also to be discussed include key agronomic factors like water use, soil management and techniques to reduce bruising and damage at harvesting.

What is more, an industry dinner, held on the first evening (Nov 30) at the event centre will provide an opportunity to wind down and meet with new and existing contacts.

“The diversity of the enquiries from both exhibitors and visitors makes us confident that BP2005 will again deliver a successful ‘whole-industry’ event,” says BPC event co-ordinator Hannah Angus.

She says all the activities will be focused on supplying skills and advice to the fresh, processing and seed producing sectors by maintaining a focus on crop agronomy, harvesting, storage and important marketing issues.

Exhibitor space bookings throughout the two trade halls is well ahead of previous British Potato events, which the BPC also believes indicates a strong industry commitment to BP2005.

Working demonstrations of packing and handling machinery will form a major display while the event will host many new exhibitors from all parts of the supply chain, offering visitors something completely different to see.

The BPC says the interactive website ( which allowed exhibitors to nominate their own stand position has been a major success and instrumental in so many bookings.

In addition, outdoor trade exhibition space at British Potato 2005 has been increased due to a surge in demand from exhibitors. Machinery manufacturers like John Deere will have a major presence at the Harrogate-based event. Other organisations have indicated their preference for large stand areas.

Tickets for all aspects of BP2005 are now on sale. For more information visit the event website or telephone the BP2005 office on 01743 719271 or e-mail