Leading supermarkets and their customers have effectively halved the number of carrier bags handed out.

Having achieved a cut in bag numbers of 26 per cent by the end of 2008 (compared with 2006 figures), supermarket customers have made incredible progress and extended this to a 48 per cent reduction in England in just five months.

Comparing May 2006 and May 2009, 346 million fewer bags were used by customers in that one month alone.

The new figures, announced today by the British Retail Consortium (BRC), have been compiled from the seven participating retailers by WRAP (the Waste & Resources Action Programme).

At the end of 2008, seven BRC supermarket members voluntarily pledged to reduce the number of single-use carrier bags used by customers by 50 per cent by the end of May 2009, compared with May 2006.

The dramatic reduction has been achieved by retailers using specific schemes they feel work best for their customers - backed by a consumer campaign funded by DEFRA. While it has been a challenging exercise, involving staff training and customer communication, retailers and the government have helped to change consumer behaviour by taking customers with them.

BRC director general Stephen Robertson said: “This is a spectacular achievement - especially as between 2006 and 2008, the seven participating supermarkets grew sales volumes by five per cent.

“Changing customer habits on this scale, this quickly, isn’t easy. But it’s a huge testament to customers, who have switched to bags for life and cut bag usage. Hard working retail staff also deserve credit, as do our supermarket members, who have spent the money during these tough times to help this happen.

“These figures send a clear message: the voluntary approach is very successful and can lead to better informed customers and lasting change.

“Reducing the number of carrier bags handed out is only one of retailers’ many green commitments. For example, supermarkets are working hard to reduce food waste - a bigger polluter than carrier bags. They’re also promoting recycling, discounting energy-efficient products and cutting their own energy use.”

The seven supermarkets are all BRC members. They are Asda, The Co-operative Group (now incorporating Somerfield), Marks & Spencer, Sainsbury's, Tesco and Waitrose.
