Brazilian flavour for FPC dinner

With a strong Brazilian influence, the Fresh Produce Consortium (FPC), held its 59th annual dinner dance at the Savoy Hotel, London, last Saturday.

Traditionally staged on the third Saturday in February, this year’s event provided great entertainment for FPC members and their guests from all sectors of the industry.

It was the first time that the host nation, Brazil, had featured in the role, but after a typically festive and exuberant dancing display, it will hopefully not prove to be the last.

One of the few remaining, truly social occasions in the fruit trade calendar, the function still retains tremendous popularity.

Alan McCutchion, president of the FPC, welcomed guests who included diplomatic dignitaries from Brazil, South Africa, Spain, Chile and France, as well as the Master of the Worshipful Company of Fruiterers, Peter Bartlett.

Speaking at the conclusion of the dinner, that included imaginative Brazilian dishes, McCutchion thanked Eduardo Barbosa, minister counsellor from the Brazilian Embassy for his attendance, and for his country’s participation.

He made a special mention of Hans van Zetten, an FPC Council member and one time chairman of the Importers Association, who was presented with a gift to mark the occasion of his 25th year organising the annual bash. The role played in this by his wife, Jeanne, was also recognised by the award of a bouquet of flowers.

Barbosa thanked the FPC for the invitation and provided some impressive statistics relating to Brazilian horticultural production, growth, range, and developments, noting that the UK had become an important market for his country’s products.

Following the formal proceedings, cabaret was provided by ‘Yes Brazil’ a group of energetic, colourfully and entertainingly dressed and talented dancers who showed off their South-American style to a rapt audience.