Brazil looks to UK for promotion

Brazilian fruit producers are looking to UK retailers to help promote their produce.

Valeska de Oliveira, executive secretary with IBRAF, the Brazilian Fruit Institute, said, at Fruit Logistica 2005 last week, they were conducting special promotions on the continent with Carrefour and were interested in extending the concept to the UK.

“We’ve been doing a programme with Carrefour called the Brazilian Festival of Fruit, talking to consumers in store about the fruit, how to prepare it, how to eat it, and carrying out tastings.

“When we’ve conducted the promotions, we’ve seen sale rise significantly. We’re now looking for partners in the UK to do a similar promotion.”

She said they would be exhibiting at IFE2005 and were hoping to meet with UK operators.

Brazil attended Fruit Logistica for the first time five years ago, with six exhibitors. This year there were 42 companies on its 300 square metre stand, which was coordinated by IBRAF.

The companies demonstrated a range of fresh produce, from tropical fruits to pomaceous fruits, stone fruits and berries, as well as frozen fruit pulp and coconut milk.

“Our aim is to show producers how to develop export markets”, said de Oliveira.

IBRAF represents 90 companies, which together account for 70 per cent of Brazil’s fruit exports.

With annual production in excess of 38 million tones, Brazil is one of the world’s top three producers of fresh fruit.

Exports last year were valued at $370 million, amounting to 850,000 tonnes. 70 per cent of exports go to the European market.