The Brassica Growers' Biennial Conference and Trade Exhibition has been arranged to conveniently precede January's LAMMA conference in Lincolnshire.
Speaking at the event on Wednesday 18 and Thursday 19 January will be Andy Richardson of Allium & Brassica Agronomy, Dr John Walsh from the School of Life Sciences at the University of Warwick and Dr Nicola Holden of the James Hutton Institute in Dundee.
Dr Richard Colgan from the National Resources Institute will also talk, as will Dr Stephen Humphreys from Bayer CropScience, Dr Roma Gwynn from Rationale Biopesticide Strategists, John Reed from Silsoe Technology and Mel Burrell from Vegetable Harvesting Systems.
For the second year in a row an industry dinner is being held on 17 January at the White Hart Hotel in Lincoln.