The tenth Brammy Awards took place last week with the judging panel tasting over 100 Bramley apple products. Marks & Spencer received a double Brammy in the Best Pie/Pastry and Best Savoury categories.

Other winners were: Sainsbury's Bramley apple sauce, Tesco apple crumble, Four Elms real Devonshire Bramley and Cox apple juice, Kerry Foods Battered Apple Rings, Tesco also picked up the innovative retailer award for their Bramley four-pack.

The judging panel included Ian Mitchell, chairman of the Bramley campaign, Ed Bedington of The Grocer and Mark Hix chef director for Caprice Holdings.

Mitchell said: 'The tenth Brammy Awards saw a tremendous number of entries demonstrating Bramley's versatility and the judging panel was faced with a challenge from high quality products and support.'