There have been a host of exciting projects targeting new audiences from the Bramley Apple Campaign this year. According to Taylor Nelson Sofres market statistics the campaign has helped to ensure that 99 per cent of apples used for home cooking are Bramley by demonstrating Bramley's relevance to consumers.

New projects seen this year included the “New Ways With Bramley” competition and the Bramley Schools Programme. The Bramley Apple Campaign has joined forces with Woman's Weekly magazine to find Britain's best apple pie baker with a roadshow to celebrate the new Bramley season. Meanwhile, old favourite the Brammy Awards celebrated its 10th anniversary in 2003.

Ian Mitchell, chairman of the Bramley Campaign Group, said: “We are very excited about this year's campaign as it encompasses a wide range of new activities for us. We believe that while it is important to look after our loyal Bramley users, it is vital that we include activities to involve our chefs and children ñ who are the consumers of tomorrow.”

The “New Ways With Bramley” competition was launched in May and aimed to encourage catering students to create innovative new Bramley recipes, while rewarding excellence in catering schools and colleges. The competition provided an opportunity for students to demonstrate their culinary skills and allowed them to appreciate the unique cooking qualities of Bramley. Mitchell said: “Having been introduced to the nation's favourite cooking apple it is hoped that the chefs of tomorrow will include Bramley in their future menu portfolios.”

There was a wide range of innovative sweet and savoury recipes and three finalists were shortlisted from more than 50 entries for a final cook-off that took place on July 9 at Westminster Kingsway College, London. Daniel Hills, from Glenrothes College, Fife scooped top prize with his dish “Bramley's Brighter Breakfast”. Judges were impressed with Hill's ability to show Bramley versatility, as he used the Bramley in three different ways, as wedges, caramelised balls and puree. In recognition of his performance Hill received a certificate and £500 for himself and £500 for his college.

Mitchell is so pleased with the success of this year's competition, he is already making plans to expand the scheme for 2004.

The Bramley Apple Campaign has further widened its activity this year with a range of activities and resources for teachers and school-children. The Bramley Schools Programme has been carefully tailored to key stage two of the national curriculum. It aims to educate about Bramley apples through a wide range of activities and projects which will be available from a new interactive website called

The website will be a valuable tool for teachers and parents and plans to feature interactive exercises and challenges for children. Site activities include a 5-a-day food diary, which will encourage children to consume the recommended 5-a-day portions of fruit and vegetables, science and maths exercises, information about the UK's orchards and a selection of sweet and savoury recipes suitable for children to cook.

The new Bramley site is a natural extension of the resources that the Bramley Apple Campaign provides and can be accessed via a link from

The campaign has also forged a new link with Woman's Weekly magazine for a range of activities including the search for Britain's best apple pie baker. The roadshow will commence on October 20 running through to October 24 calling at Glasgow, Manchester, Nottingham, Swindon and Thurrock. Members of the public are being invited to enter their own apple pies for tasting by an expert judging panel including Woman's Weekly's food editor Sue McMahon. The five regional finalists will compete head-to-head in the national bake-off to take place in London later this year.

Of course the Brammy Awards were a raging success in their 10th year and the Journal reported on all the winners. M&S was delighted with its double Brammy in the best pie pastry and best savoury category. The campaign is now gearing itself up for the Bramley apple week, which will be held in the week of February 2-8 and the campaign is focused on helping drive forward the Bramley industry.