Iain Dykes

Iain Dykes

The British Potato Council (BPC) has issued a stark warning that potato growers could jeopardise the industry by ignoring the threat of quarantine potato diseases.

The BPC has urged all growers to make a careful assessment of their seed sourcing and growing practices. BPC seed and export supply chain manager Iain Dykes said: “Each and everyone of us is duty bound to carry out self-assessments. Failure to do so shows a total disregard for the British industry.

“Some people see these diseases as inevitable, but that is not the case. By adopting a cross industry tough stance against diseases we can protect against our livelihoods.”

Dykes believes that the recent inception of brown rot in imported seed and last year’s first ever case of ring rot demonstrates the risks faced. He said: “There is no treatment, and contrary to what many think, testing alone does not give 100 per cent protection.”

Dykes also feels that in the current climate of increased international trade in potatoes, that the industry will heed the advice of the potential threat posed by imported seed and ware crops. He said: “The greatest risk on infection would be through planting infected seed.”

To get people started, the BPC has produce a step-by-step guide on the ring rot section of its website - www.potato.org.uk and has sent a summarised version to growers.