The British Potato Council (BPC) has announced that quality is the key factor for any potential growth of seed potato exports.
Overseas sales represent the one growth area for UK's seed potato industry, with 20 per cent of all seed potatoes grown being sent for export.
BPC seed and export supply chain manager Iain Dykes, speaking to delegates at the BPC-organised Seed Industry Event at Crieff, said that the industry must continue to make quality and customer service the number one priority. He said: “A single below par shipment can reflect poorly on the UK industry. UK seeds continue to impress and we want to protect this reputation.
The BPC has also warned that the overseas export markets create several unique challenges that are best tackled jointly by the industry. Dykes said: “Members of the UK seed potato industry should not be competing against one another. The real competition lies overseas and that is where exporters should focus their energy.”
Dykes also feels that the world's rising population and changing eating habits represents another growth market for the industry. Muhieddine Doughan, a BPC consultant based in Lebanon backed these claims. He said: “Potato consumption is increasing in many countries and potato growers require high yielding varieties that match their end market. The high health status of British seed potatoes is a key factor.”