The Gangmasters’ Licensing Authority (GLA) has revoked the licence of a Boston gangmaster after finding an “astonishing lack of paperwork and a lack of basic knowledge of how to run the business”.
To be granted a GLA licence, all businesses must meet the GLA licensing standards and the gangmaster must meet “fit and proper” person criteria.
Director of YF Recruitment Shane Amos failed the Principal Authority competence test and was declared “not fit and proper” to hold a licence due to “not displaying any ability to run a business”, a lack of paperwork and having no draft contracts for workers to show to the GLA.
GLA chairman Paul Whitehouse said: “A GLA licence is not a token, it has to be earnt. Anybody who is in this position of responsibility needs to be in a position to meet the basic requirements as an absolute minimum.”
The inspection took place in October 2009 and the letter of revocation was issued in December 2009. YF Recruitment lost its appeal against the GLA decision.