Booths Sharrocks 3

Graham, Brian and Derek Eastham, Sharrock directors, with Edwin Booth, Booths chairman, and Graham and Simon Booth, Booths directors

Booths has now completed its acquisition of fruit and vegetable wholesaler Sharrocks for an undisclosed sum.

The acquisition was completed on 29 November 2013, and comes as Booths - the North West-based, family-owned food and drink retailer -looks to gain greater control over its supply chain and work closer with the farmers and growers that supply its stores.

Sharrocks, a fourth generation family business based in Preston, has worked with Booths for more than 40 years, as well as supplying and distributing fruit and vegetables to other independent retailers.

The acquisition will expand Booths’ current manufacturing capacity as Sharrocks’ current premises will become part of Booths in addition to its facilities at the Bluebell Way premises, Preston.

Graham Eastham, director of Sharrocks, has joined the Booths management team as part of the deal.

Booths chairman, Edwin Booth, said; “This is our first acquisition of a supplier in our 166-year history. We’re looking forward to integrating teams across our businesses and establishing closer and more direct links with our suppliers creating a more transparent supply chain. Farmers and growers are key to Booths, and now we are one step closer to them.”