Tesco and Waitrose have commissioned independent investigations into supplies of Costa Rican pineapples following an article by notorious food writer Joanna Blythman in The Observer last Sunday.
Blythman alleged the burgeoning trade in the fruit was “predicated on environmental damage and the exploitation of workers”. Tesco said its records showed “no evidence to substantiate these allegations”, while Waitrose added that the plantation has up-to-date EurepGAP accreditation.
An importer told FPJ: “If you look now at the way our businesses in the fruit trade are run, there are more accreditation schemes that are independently audited for both social and planet welfare than you can shake a stick at. We have the Ethical Trading Initiative, the Rainforest Alliance, EurepGAP, ISO 14000 and more, but still Blythman and her ilk want more. Now that we are all being good boys and girls in the banana business, they are trying to stir up trouble in other businesses. This time it’s pineapples.”