African representatives of Blue Skies have travelled to the UK to attend a reception to celebrate the company’s achievement of a second Queen's Award for Enterprise in the Sustainable Development category.
The Northamptonshire based fruit company was officially presented with the award by Her Majesty's Lord-Lieutenant, Lady Juliet Townsend LVO, at a champagne reception held at the Brampton Halt on last week.
The award recognises the company’s contribution to development in Africa and South America by producing fresh-cut fruit and freshly squeezed juice, prepared within the country of origin.
During the reception Alistair Djimatey from Ghana and Waydu Matlala from South Africa talked to guests about some of the community projects that have been funded by the Blue Skies Foundation.
Chairman Anthony Pile said: “It is a huge honour to win a Queen's Award for Enterprise in the Sustainable Development category for a second time.
“The award is testament to the considerable progress we have made with some of our projects such as the Blue Skies Foundation; however it also recognises the impact we have by successfully running a serious commercial enterprise in Africa and South America.”