Growth in the black grape market has boomed by almost 100 per cent in the last year as both its volume and popularity increase.

The product saw a 96.7 per cent increase in the 52 weeks to 8 August [Kantar Worldpanel], growing to a market share of 1.8 per cent and a value of £10 million.

Steve Belsey, procurement manager for grapes at Capespan, told FPJ the growth was attributable to increases in volumes from South Africa and Chile in particular.

In recent years, the Sun World-licensed variety Midnight Beauty has become increasingly popular alongside traditional black grape Autumn Royal.

“Volume availability, new varieties and pricing have all had a part to play,” he said. “There are new varieties in development like Sable Seedless, which are very good quality too. There is potential to develop, but growth may cannibalise sales of white and red grapes.”
