“For some time Bizerba has been listening to its customers requests for integrated label dispensers for the application of promotional labels onto pre packed weigh labelled food products,” said a spokesperson.
Now, specially designed for integration with new and existing Bizerba GLM-I weigh price labelling units, the LDI is a compact unit without external control electronics.”
According to Bizerba, it is also simple to operate and using GLM-I as the central control unit, ensures that any PLU change on the GLM-I automatically accesses the stored label parameters in the dispenser so eliminating invalid entries and significantly lowering set-up times.
“Most importantly there are significant space savings as the dispenser can be mounted to the GLM-I column and so no additional belt unit is required,” said the spokesperson.
“Already successfully launched in Europe, this is the first of what will be seen as a significant year of new innovations from Bizerba.”