Bing to hit UK retail scene

The first arrivals of California Bing cherries are due to hit UK supermarket shelves early this week.

California Cherry Advisory Board executive manager Jim Culbertson said this week: “The Bing cherry season is in full swing, and the numbers would suggest that some four to five million cartons will be shipped up until June 22.

“The weather has been excellent and fruit quality is expected to be outstanding. Sizing has been good and this is expected to continue.”

Shipments of Bing cherries are ramped up in volume last week week, with large quantities to be available from May 26 to June 15.

“Buyers should be able to purchase with confidence on both quantity and quality,” said Culbertson. "This is exactly the type of year we have been looking for.”

The UK market favours the Bing variety because it is usually the first to arrive in the market, and offers large, dark red, juicy fruit, according to Culbertson.

California cherry growers contribute towards a major promotional programme, and for the sixth year running, NMG Consulting will be handling PR campaigns in the UK.

Ceo Neil Gordon said: “We are delighted with the good news and are looking forward to really excellent sales this year.

“Cherries are a delight for fruit lovers and offer considerable health benefits. They are fat free and a source of vitamin A, fibre and potassium. Medical research has revealed that they provide a rich source of anti-oxidants, which help fight cancer and heart disease. Our message continues to be that cherries are very attractive, tasty and healthy.”

Major multiples will be offering the Bings to UK consumers and encouraging shoppers to “try & buy” through a series of tastings and other in-store activities.