Asda, Sainsbury’s and Morrisons have all seen their growth fall back on the last quarter but in each case have added market share as their growths have been higher than the overall market, according to new data from TNS Worldpanel.
Morrisons has shown the strongest growth of the Big Four as its share lifts from 11 per cent to 11.5 per cent and the business becomes more nationwide with particular emphasis on younger ABC1 households, according to the data for the 12 weeks ending October 4.
Tesco’s market share has now stabilised around the 31 per cent mark while Waitrose’s growth of 11.6 per cent is the highest since August 2006 with the Essentials range and newly acquired space continuing to drive the business forward.
The Co-operative’s growth continues to exceed the overall market as the positive effects of the Somerfield acquisition feed through.
Aldi and Lidl continue to see share growth albeit considerably attenuated from 2008 levels - discounters have seen a modest share increase from six per cent a year ago to 6.1 per cent now.