The modern era belongs to the consumer, which means that traceability and transparency in the fresh produce industry has never been more important.
To secure both, big data and smart technologies are crucial. If you think it’s not for you, just think for a second about how technology has overtaken each part of the supply chain, from growing and producing, through logistics and sales to marketing and consumers. The core question is how can you store this vast amount of data and how can you take advantage of it?
In fresh produce, the biggest enemy of short shelf-life product is the time. It’s crucial to quickly identify and react to any issues.
The power of this process is exemplified by the challenges associated with handling recalls – the ability to rapidly access test records, hazard assessments and any number of issues along the supply chain is inherently valuable to identify and tackle safety concerns.
Yet beyond safety management, big data can and should be a business asset – it’s capable of driving down supply chain costs, decreasing waste, and even tracking consumer opinion.
With smart use of smart technology, we can become proactive instead of relying on corrective actions and anticipate the issues in front of us.
And we’re only just getting started – this is, after all, big data in its infancy. Of course, mobile apps, smart technology or the IoT (internet of things) are one thing, and the more sophisticated of chains are already benefiting from intelligent technology and this will continue to develop.
Smart technology is surrounding us and we cannot drive a car by turning our back to the steering wheel.
Businesses who can realise the opportunity in technology are able to disrupt the market and lead.