Berry Gardens boosts British raspberry share

In the UK, soft fruit marketer Berry Gardens has reported an increase in its market share for raspberries from 25 per cent in 2011 to 40 per cent in 2012.

Managing director Nick Marston commented: "Driscoll's raspberry varieties from Morocco, Spain and South Africa deliver superb tasting berries to the consumer on a consistent basis, whilst guaranteeing great appearance and shelf-life as well."

According to the company, these sources have revolutionised raspberry supplies during the UK's off-season, allowing the company to offer the same taste in the winter as in the summer.

"Recent developments in year-round raspberry production mean that between Driscoll's and Berry Gardens we can delight consumers year-round, in volumes which are being increased rapidly enough to satisfy all demand," Marston said.

The near doubling in market share can partly be attributed to increases in production in Agadir, in Morocco, where winter sunshine and ideal soils are believed to create the perfect combination for winter raspberries.