An online survey conducted by the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) has found that strawberries, raspberries and melons are considered an expensive treat.
Some 66 per cent of respondents said that summer fruits were expensive to buy and 37 per cent said they would consider growing their own fruit to save money.
The RHS aimed to encourage more people to take up the challenge as part of its ongoing Grow Your Own campaign, by handing out starter kits at its Wisley open day last Saturday.
Fruit superintendent Jim Arbury said strawberries, which he claims are a mainstay at family meal times, would be the centre piece of Wisley’s fruit-focused Grow Your Own campaign this year.
He said: “Strawberries are easy to grow, ideal for containers and gardeners with little space, and children are fascinated by them.
“Ingrained in consumer consciousness, the strawberry conjures up nostalgic thoughts of summer tea parties with lashings of cream and, with this in mind, we hope to inspire the nation to give growing them and other fruits a try.”
This is the third year of the society’s Grow Your Own campaign.