Ministers of agriculture along with leading executives from business and associations will be meeting in Berlin this month to take an in-depth look at agriculture in relation to climate change.
On January 16, ministers will meet during the Global Forum for Food and Agriculture in order to debate the theme ‘Agriculture and Climate Change - New Concepts from Politics and Business’.
With these events, the Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection (BMELV) is drawing an extensive range of topics to attention, including those debated at the Copenhagen summit in December, and further issues for ministers of agriculture with its discussion following the theme ‘Safeguarding Food Supplies’.
In the morning, ministers from Russia, the Ukraine, China, the Netherlands and Ghana will be stating their views and answering questions put to them by members of the public at the international panel of ministers of agriculture.
Ministers of agriculture from all over the world have been invited to attend the Berlin summit of ministers of agriculture in the afternoon, where they will discuss their experience and concepts concerning climate protection, along with their countries’ adaptation strategies, and they will be striving to achieve a consensus.