Soaring demand in Belgium and across Europe is pushing up prices for Flandria-labelled salads.

“This time last year we did not have 30-35°C heat so prices were poorer as we did not have the same demand,” said a Flandria spokeswoman from Belgian auction group LAVA.

Production in Spain has also been below 2009 levels and with output of tomatoes from Poland affected by flooding, there are greater export opportunities for the Belgians not just to Poland, but also to France, Germany and Russia.

“The UK market has contracted for us over the last two or three seasons because of the exchange rate,” said the spokeswoman.

Other lines that are performing well for the Belgians are tomatoes on the vine, courgettes, aubergines, capsicum and iceberg. Cauliflower prices are on the low side compared to 2009, as the product has been less in demand due to the recent heat wave.

The forecast for August is for increasing output of cucumbers, aubergines, courgettes and tomatoes.