Flandria cauliflower

Flandria cauliflower

Belgian cauliflower is back on track and the summer season for the brassica under the Flandria quality label started this week - only a week late. A long winter with unseasonably cool spring temperatures delayed development of the crop and now, as with other field-grown supplies, Flandria reports that the LAVA auctions will be able to supply cauliflower right through until mid-November. “June is the top month for Flandria cauliflower,” said a spokeswoman. “This year supply will peak at about 1 million heads a week by the beginning of the month. Two weeks later, and the volume will have halved.”

Broccoli is due to begin its season next week with supplies likely to continue into early October. Lambs lettuce is now also on stream and the leaf should be available from the auctions until late September. And bunched carrots are forecast to start their season more or less in line with the start of the UK campaign in the first week of June.