Defra has given work on the investigation of bee colony losses by the National Bee Unit (NBU), which commenced last year, a higher priority.
While it is not unusual to see some losses over winter, there are early signs of significant colony losses across the country, which are being investigated. A more complete understanding will emerge in the coming weeks as the NBU's Bee Inspectors complete their initial inspections.
The work of the bee inspectors has been reprioritised so that reports received of significant colony loss are treated as a high priority. If they carry out the inspection and there is no obvious explanation for the loss, such as poor husbandry or varroa, samples will be sent to the NBU for priority testing and investigation.
The wet weather experienced in summer 2007 meant that bees were confined to their hives for long periods and were therefore unable to forage for sufficient nectar and pollen to sustain them over winter. The poor spring has also extended the bees confinement. This additional stress is likely to have provided the opportunity for pathogen spread, virus levels to build up and Nosema, where it was present, to have a greater impact.
As part of its contingency planning work, the NBU is monitoring the situation carefully both in the UK and in the US. The wet weather experienced in summer 2007 meant that bees were confined to their hives for long periods and were therefore unable to forage for sufficient nectar and pollen to sustain them over winter. The poor spring has also extended the bees confinement. This additional stress is likely to have provided the opportunity for pathogen spread, virus levels to build up and Nosema, where it was present, to have a greater impact.