The British Protected Ornamentals Association (BPOA) and the Flowers & Plants Association (F&PA) has launched a new campaign this month to promote the money-saving benefits of bedding plants to UK consumers.

The campaign, running to August 2009, will focus on the Plant Colour Now Campaign, promoting quality garden bedding products from UK producers to British consumers.

Plant Colour Now is a campaign brought about in response to the popularity of bedding plants in the UK. With bedding plants taking 35 per cent of total plant sales in the UK, they are the most popular garden plant bought by UK consumers. Plant Colour Now will emphasise how bedding plants are ideal for gardeners wanting something instantly colourful, effective and easy care for summer gardens and outdoor spaces, and will raise awareness of how versatile and value-for-money the product is.

With more people facing a UK summer rather than spending on a holiday overseas, the campaign will promote a money-saving way of introducing holiday colour to any outdoor living space that lasts longer than the average summer break. It will target garden centres, multiples and retailers, as well as consumers. The consumer campaign will be run by the F&PA.

Plant Colour Now not only focuses on the money-saving, convenience and easy-care aspects of bedding to UK consumers, but will promote the UK-grown aspect of bedding plants, with reduced plant miles over their European counterparts.

The new campaign will incorporate national and regional consumer newspaper and magazine features, website coverage, event participation and competitions. The consumer campaign enhances promotional activity by BPOA to the horticulture trade, raising awareness of bedding as a garden and patio plant.

The F&PA is the UK’s promotional organisation for all commercially grown cut flowers and indoor plants. It aims to raise interest in these products, and encourage consumers to purchase more through inspirational PR campaigns and nationwide advertising.