Bayer CropScience will launch a revolutionary new chemical in the spring that will eradicate sucking pests from brassica and lettuce.
The new insecticide, named Movento, is a long-term solution, as it affects pest population build up.
Bayer’s Dr Richard Meredith introduced Movento to a press conference in Peterborough last week and provided recommendations for its use in programmes to enhance crop quality and profitability.
He said: “Movento is a unique module for sucking pests such as white fly and aphids - of which we have all seen how much damage they can produce. Such pests live in the hearts of the leaves and lead to crop being rejected. This product will be the difference between selling a crop or not.
“Whereas other chemicals work on the nervous system of pests, Movento does not. The insects take it into their systems, stunting their growth and reproduction systems.”
Movento also affects the roots of the plant sprayed, even if it is just the leaves that have received the treatment. “This is pretty special,” continued Meredith. “Even if younger leaves in the heart haven’t formed yet, Movento protects them. It is in a league of its own - no other treatment moves from leaf to leaf.”
Movento stops a population explosion in its tracks; young aphids that are sprayed will not mature properly and adult aphids will not be able to produce young, and ultimately die. Although most chemicals see insects perish within a week of the first application, Movento has a slower, more efficient process, meaning that there will be a complete clean-up of all sucking insects within two weeks.
“Movento’s strapline is ‘Nowhere to hide’ and it is truly relevant,” said Meredith. “It integrates well with a IPM scheme and its MRL are low: cabbage is 1.5, broccoli is 1 and lettuce is 5.”
Movento can be applied to a crop as little as seven days before harvest and the product will be available to buy this spring.