Hampshire-based sweetcorn grower Barfoots of Botley will launch a major initiative in the county to boost awareness of its product, combining the 5 A DAY message with practical support for 7-11-year-olds.

The project will initially take the form of an educational pack that Barfoots will promote on a tour of schools. The material will also be available to teachers on the company’s website. Amanda Fallbrown, Barfoots marketing consultant, said the scheme hopes to take in 15 schools this year, while there is also an ongoing dialogue with Hampshire County Council to garner further support.

“The idea stemmed from the success of the company’s travelling roadshow, introducing its character Bob Cob, during the sweetcorn season,” she said.

“Teachers have to cope with several schemes, which while complementary, do not always fit together easily. The presentation tells children how a balanced diet with fresh produce both helps fight disease and is important for healthy growth, particularly at this time of their lives.”