UK farmers are being supported by Clydesdale and Yorkshire Bank, who have created an 'Archers'-style family to help farmers back on the road to recovery following the foot and mouth crisis.

The bank has launched a business assessment and planning 'toolkit' to help farmers plan for the future.

The initiative was supported by tax and accountancy company Grant Thornton, and the law firm Wilsons of Salisbury.

Henry Graham, head of agribusiness at Clydesdale and Yorkshire Bank said: 'The audio tape is designed to provide farmers with an easy-listening introduction to a number of key planning and development issues. To begin with it may all seem pretty straightforward. The longer you listen, however, the more you're likely to be drawn into the challenge and opportunities of farm family planning as the Youngs pose a number of searching questions to the visiting professionals.' The companies involved are under no illusion it will be an easy way forward for farmers, but the toolkit aims to make their progress as simple as possible.

Graham said: 'In presenting financial, accountancy, taxation and legal skills all within the one package, we believe that we've created a one-stop planning opportunity for today's progressive producers.' For details contact David Douglas: 0141 223 2242.