Bananas remain the most popular Fairtrade product, with sales rising 130 per cent year on year to £150 million in 2007, according to the Fairtrade Foundation.
Figures released today to coincide with the start of Fairtrade Fortnight reveal that the total amount spent on Fairtrade products last year was £493m, a rise of 81 per cent compared to the year before. The estimated sales figures are all calculated by the Fairtrade Foundation, on the basis of reported wholesale values.
The Scottish government is also backing a drive to make Scotland one of the world's first Fairtrade nations.
Harriet Lamb, executive director of the Fairtrade Foundation, said: “The fantastic increase in sales shows the UK public's huge and growing appetite for Fairtrade. After years of chipping away, Fairtrade is finally beginning to make some significant impression on the way we trade.”