Bananas pack a powerful punch-and not just when it comes to nutrition. Both The Times newspaper and sports company, Adidas are featuring bananas in advertising campaigns, promoting the energy-giving values of the fruit.

David Read, chairman of the Banana Group said: 'Both advertisements are a wonderful accolade to the work of the Banana Group over the last 18 years. During this time we have never wavered from the instant consumer call to action Bananergy – the simple message that eating a banana gives you an instant and sustained boost of energy. It is this that has helped drive a 150 per cent increase in consumption during the same time period.' During this time, more than £7.5 million has been invested in raising the awareness of the banana, and in particular, its health giving properties. And the money does not appear to have been wasted.

UK consumers munch their way through more than 700,000tonnes of the fruit every year –a staggering 6.5 billion bananas.
